
At the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 中风 Center, patients have access to world-class, comprehensive stroke care.


The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康综合中风中心 is among the leading centers worldwide for stroke care and research. 我们提供全面的, state-of-the-art treatment for all types of strokes and conditions affecting blood flow to and within the brain.


国家认可: Our program has achieved national recognition as a leader in stroke care from the University Health Consortium. We are also a designated Specialized Program of Transitional 研究 in Acute 中风 (SPOTRIAS) Center, 由国家神经疾病和中风研究所(NINDS)资助. 这些指定意味着我们的专家团队提供卓越的,研究驱动的中风护理.

最高质量的护理: We are the only stroke center in Los Angeles County designated as a Joint Commission Advanced Comprehensive 中风 Center. 这一认可意味着我们在质量和安全方面达到了国家最高标准.

综合服务: 我们的中风专家与急诊医学专家合作, 神经外科, 介入神经放射学, neurointensive保健, 立体定向放射学, 神经麻醉学和康复神经学. Our specialists offer inpatient and outpatient services so that patients can access the full spectrum of stroke care.  

注重研究: Our strong research emphasis means we offer patients the most promising, latest treatment approaches. Our clinicians continually learn more about the best stroke treatments and use their knowledge in real time to improve care.

创新的历史: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康’s dedicated acute stroke unit was the first of its kind in California and one of the first in the nation. 我们已经开发出领先的治疗方法,现在在世界范围内使用, 包括抗凝血药物. Also, we were the first medical system in the western United States to offer a mobile stroke unit.


我们对病人进行全方位的治疗. 我们的服务包括:

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中风中心: 我们从患者接触的第一刻起就协调每位患者的护理, 无论是通过急诊室还是门诊. 中风中心的整个团队合作治疗患者, 从紧急干预到康复.

急救护理: 我们的脑病小组提供全天候紧急中风治疗. 当一个中风的病人来到罗纳德·里根皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心, 他们被接纳为我们的奉献, 最先进的急性脑卒中单元. 我们的团队立即开始治疗,以尽可能减少脑损伤.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康流动中风小组: We were the first health care system in the western United States offering a mobile stroke unit. 这个单位是航空公司和亨利·格拉克中风救援计划的一部分, 为洛杉矶县的病人提供更多的医疗服务. 这个移动装置是一辆救护车,配有治疗中风的特殊设备. 它包括一个移动CT扫描仪, 实验室测试, 远程医疗连接到医院和急救药物. 研究 shows that the sooner patients receive stroke care, the better their health outcomes. We partner with local fire departments and emergency medical services as part of the 911 emergency response system.   

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中风和血管神经病学门诊: 我们为脑血管疾病提供全面的护理. 我们的专家评估, diagnose and treat all types of disorders that affect the brain’s blood vessels or blood flow.  

Edie Baskin Bronson和Richard Skip Bronson脑血流实验室: Specialists in the cerebral blood flow lab use advanced imaging tools to evaluate blood flow in the brain. 实验室里的设备是便携式的, 所以我们也可以在手术室里使用它, 急诊科及加护病房(ICU). 我们的实验室是世界上最繁忙的临床和研究实验室之一.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康远程中风项目: 我们提供直接, 向皇冠hga020电脑版医院急诊科提供脑卒中即时视频咨询. 我们与当地的神经科医生合作,一年365天,每天24小时提供服务. 这项服务使全国各地的急诊皇冠hga025都能获得我们的认证, 世界一流的中风中心和服务.


血管神经学小组治疗各种各样的疾病. 我们的中风专家治疗:

缺血性中风 occurs when there’s a sudden blockage in one of the blood vessels supplying blood to your brain. 当其中一条血管中形成血块时,就会发生缺血性中风. 这种中风占所有中风的87%.

出血性中风 远不常见. 它发生在脑部突然出血的时候, 通常来自于动脉破裂或脑血管(动脉瘤)的凸起。.  

短暂性脑缺血发作 是大脑血液流动突然暂时中断吗. 它会引起类似中风的症状,但短暂性脑缺血发作不是中风. 相反,它可以警告即将发生的中风. TIAs may be treated with medications or lifestyle changes to help improve blood flow in the brain.

Our vascular neurologists (stroke doctors) also provide treatment for any condition that affects blood flow in the brain (cerebrovascular conditions). 其他常见脑血管疾病包括:

动静脉畸形(AVM) 是血管丛还是血管纠结. 它可能导致脑出血、癫痫或类似中风的症状.

脑动脉瘤 大脑血管中有不规则的凸起吗. 它通常不会引起症状. 但如果动脉瘤破裂,就会导致脑出血。.

颈动脉狭窄 是输送血液到大脑的血管(颈动脉)变窄. 颈动脉位于脖子的两侧. 通常,脂肪物质(斑块)的积聚会导致血管狭窄. 随着时间的推移,斑块会变硬,导致动脉粥样硬化.

海绵状血管瘤 is an abnormal cluster of the tiny blood vessels (capillaries) connecting veins and arteries. 肿块可能引起癫痫发作, 视力改变或其他类似中风的症状,如口齿不清或肌肉无力.

硬脑膜动静脉瘘 是一种AVM,发生在覆盖大脑的厚组织(硬脑膜)上。. 它可能在受伤或感染后形成. 硬脑膜动静脉瘘可引起视力改变、耳鸣或头痛.

性烟雾病 is a rare disorder in which the carotid arteries narrow or become blocked for unknown reasons. 颈动脉阻塞会导致血流中断,从而导致中风.


中风需要紧急治疗. 如果你发现自己或他人有中风症状,请立即拨打911.

中风会导致精神错乱、头痛或行走困难. 你也可以用缩写F.A.S.T. 帮助你记住中风的常见症状 以及寻求帮助的重要性:

  • Face下垂
  • Arm的弱点
  • Speech有点含糊  
  • T我该打911了


Our stroke team uses the full range of diagnostic tools and treatment options to provide care efficiently and effectively. We aim to diagnose a stroke or cerebrovascular problem as quickly as possible so we can deliver accurate, 及时的治疗.   


诊断测试告诉专家中风的位置和严重程度. 我们使用全方位的诊断工具,包括:  

洛杉矶护理人员中风筛查(LAPSS) is a three-minute screening test that allows emergency responders to identify a stroke quickly. This test, developed at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康, can shorten the time to treatment by an average of 90 minutes.


CT或MRI血管造影 允许专家观察大脑中的血液流动.

多普勒超声(颈动脉超声) 用声波来观察颈动脉. 颈动脉阻塞会导致中风.

心里测试, 比如心电图或超声心动图, 能否帮助确定心脏瓣膜或心律的变化是否会导致中风.


在治疗中风时,分秒必争. Usually, the first line of treatment is emergency interventions to reduce damage in the brain. 紧急处理可能包括:

溶栓药物: 这些药物可以分解缺血性中风的血块,减少脑损伤. Clot-busting medicines work most effectively when given within three hours of the start of a stroke.  

Clot-retrieval装置: 这种装置能迅速清除血块. 使用小的, 穿过阻塞血管的中空管(导管), 中风专家把

装置靠近血块. 就位后,该装置附着在血块上并将其拉出. 中风专家经常将这种设备与抗凝血药物一起使用.

减轻脑肿胀的药物: 中风专家可能会静脉注射药物(通过静脉注射)来减少脑肿胀. 这些药物在出血性中风后尤其有效.

保护大脑的药物: 也叫神经保护药物, 这些药物可以保护大脑免受缺氧和进一步的损伤.

生命支持措施: 患者可能需要借助呼吸机呼吸. 或者他们可能需要静脉输液、营养或帮助控制血压.

穿颅术: 神经外科医生可能会进行这种脑部手术来减轻脑部压力, 止血或清除血块.   


We also provide a range of treatments to prevent stroke in high-risk patients or treat other conditions affecting blood flow in the brain. 治疗方法包括:

药物: 一些患者可能受益于血液稀释药物, 如抗凝剂(华法林或香豆素®)或抗血小板(阿司匹林). Others may also take drugs to control blood pressure or cholesterol or to manage 心 conditions.

神经与血管的手术: 一些手术可以帮助降低中风的风险. 外科医生可能会进行颈动脉内膜切除术以清除颈动脉中的斑块. 他们可能会放置一个小管(支架)来保持颈动脉畅通. Patients may also have surgery to repair an aneurysm or close a part of the 心 called the left atrial appendage to reduce stroke risk.

介入神经血管手术: 介入性手术使用小, 空心管(导管)和用于关闭或打开血管的小工具. We may use these procedures to treat other cerebrovascular conditions such as growths in the blood vessels (vascular malformations) or brain tumors.  

立体定向放射治疗: This treatment uses safe doses of radiation to target abnormal clusters of blood vessels (arteriovenous malformations). 外科医生可以使用立体定向放射手术代替传统手术. 或者在手术前用它来缩小动静脉畸形.


The UCLA 中风 Program strives to provide quick and effective treatment after diagnosing a patient with stroke. It is important to us that patients receive appropriate treatment quickly when they come to the hospital, 当他们离开时,他们会继续他们的治愈之路. 因此, we are dedicated to compliance with core stroke quality measures to ensure we are meeting the highest standards for stroke centers, 如:

  • 抗凝治疗
    • Patients receive treatment to prevent blood clots forming within two days of arriving at the hospital.
    • Patients receive a prescription medication to prevent blood clots from forming before leaving the hospital.
  • 患者教育
    • Patients receive individualized education about their risk factors for stroke during their stay at the hospital.
  • 溶栓治疗
    • Patients who have a stroke because of a blood clot receive treatment within 60 minutes of arriving at the hospital.

获取测量的完整列表和每个测量含义的详细描述, 访问美国心脏协会网站: http://qualitynearme.heart.org/GWTGPublicReporting (搜索邮政编码- 90095,半径- 5英里,疾病状态-中风)


Our stroke specialists (vascular neurologists) are experts in advanced treatments for stroke and other cerebrovascular conditions. 他们不断研究,创新和实施中风护理的最新技术.


呼叫 310-825-2631皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中风中心了解更多关于中风预防和治疗的知识.


Our specialists offer the full range of inpatient and outpatient stroke and vascular neurology services.
欲了解更多,请致电 310-794-1195.